March Homeschooler Hand building

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Monday, Mar 3 11:00 AM 2 hr 2 hours Cathleen Sullivan Monday, Mar 10 11:00 AM 2 hr 2 hours Cathleen Sullivan Monday, Mar 17 11:00 AM 2 hr 2 hours Cathleen Sullivan Monday, Apr 7 11:00 AM 2 hr 2 hours Cathleen Sullivan   Youth ages 7-17 and up are welcome to join Artist […]


Saturday Try It Wheel Class with Rob

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Did you ever want to try your hand at the Pottery Wheel? Well, now you can! We offer this class as an opportunity to make a little mess of things and try your hand at creating a vessel on the potter's wheel while meeting other folks trying the same thing out as well! This is […]


Sgraffito Decorating Technique Class

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Join us to create beautifully decorated Sgraffito technique pieces of artwork. (see pictures) Sgraffito (in Italian "to scratch in") is a decorating technique produced by applying color(s) (underglazes) to leather hard pottery and then scratching off parts of the layer(s) to create contrasting images, patterns, and texture and reveal the clay underneath. During the first […]


Youth & Adult Festive Gnomes and Elves

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

This is a laid-back, 2-hour class for students with or without clay experience, Youth 7-14 $50; Adults ages 15 plus, $75. Youth welcome with paid adult supervision. Students create a lively little creature. Pieces will be hand-built from slabs and pinching. Surface decoration will be added along with carving and embossing. The gnome or elf […]


Slab-Built Texture Vessel Project

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Vertical Foundation to hand-building builds upon skills learned in horizontal tray class by now learning to create vertical forms inside a slump mold with heavily textured clay. This fun project can be a basket with a handle or a planter or a serving dish. We will have lots of fun layering in texture and patchworking […]


Coil-Built Vessels & Planters

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Free forming Coil-built Vases & Planters with clay! All participants will have the chance to explore various decorative techniques using coils. These unique coils will be curled, twisted and folded. Sizes and shapes will vary depending on how coils are stacked on top of one another. Coiled Pottery can be used decorative or around the […]


River Bowls Class with Cathleen

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Fairly new class! Experience preferred, but no necessary. We use a hump mold to create a boulder river with a pop of black clay coils. We emphasize best practices utilizing different tools, vocabulary and how to apply it to clay. Skills learned are the proper use of a slab roller, texture matts and rollers, making […]


Sea Lady/Sun or Orchid Flower Bas Relief

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

See pictures below for inspiration! Bas Relief/Low Relief Sculpture Class with Cathleen. Students may create anything they envision. This is for the beginner to the experienced. During the first session, we create the cradled panel structure, then we decorate the blank "canvas". Students may bring in their ideas or borrow ours. Students may create their […]


Tray/Dish Class with Dave

Treasure Coast Pottery 6911 Heritage Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States

Very Popular Class! Foundation to Horizontal Hand-building class begins with a tray, dish or platter with texture and feet utilizing hump molds. We get to add some appliques to these trays! Students learn proper use of the slab roller, and the basics to create pieces. We emphasize best practices utilizing different tools, vocabulary and how […]
