“Celebrate Art and Mindfulness in Port St. Lucie” Stuart Magazine

The St. Lucie Cultural Alliance will host the first iteration of the Treasure Coast Arts & Mindfulness Fest on May 22 and 23

By Stuart Magazine Staff – May 14, 2021

Sound healing and live painting demonstration. Image courtesy of St. Lucie Cultural Alliance.

The St. Lucie Cultural Alliance will host the first iteration of the Treasure Coast Arts & Mindfulness Fest on May 22 and 23, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Event Center in Port St. Lucie. Admission to the festival is free and open to the public.

The fest will celebrate the fusion of art and mindfulness, featuring diverse artistic mediums and a scope of alternative health modalities. Participating artists and crafters will present paintings, sculptures, photography, art made from recycled components, jewelry, and more. Alternative health practitioners will present on areas like acupuncture, acupuncture, nutrition, massage, hypnotherapy, yoga, Pilates, reiki, and tai chij.

Live music, dance productions, and spoken-word performance pieces will keep the festivity going, along with family-friendly activities and food trucks on site. For those looking to support small businesses, guests can peruse natural soaps, handmade crystal jewelry, and sound healing instruments from local vendors.

All sponsorship, vendor, auction, and raffle proceeds will go into the Cultural Alliance’s Grant Fund for artists and cultural organizations. The fest is designed to enhance the cultural community and inspire guests to improve their lives through art and mindfulness practices, while the fundraiser will further empower the organization to showcase local and regional talent.

Artist, vendor and sponsorship opportunities are still available. To inquire about artist, vendor, or sponsorship opportunities, email info@artstlucie.org. For more information about the Treasure Coast Arts & Mindfulness Fest, click here or call (772) 462-2783.
