St. Lucie Cultural Alliance and Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens are thrilled to announce an online musical competition!  The winner will perform at the St. Lucie Botanical Gardens Art Show in the Gardens on Saturday, January 2, receive a $500 cash prize and a one-year membership to St Lucie Cultural Alliance Music Guild ($125 value)!


Music MUST be party and fun Island, Caribbean, Latin, or Reggae ONLY. No other genre will be considered.

To Enter, submit

  • CV (resume)
  • one YouTube or Vimeo link of you (artist/band) performing
  • A high-resolution image of you (artist/band)

Videos will be posted on Facebook, and winners will be decided by the general public through the online voting point system shown below.

1 Like =1 point

1 Share=5 points

Online form vote = 7 points

One vote per person!

Get your information in as soon as possible.  The competition ends on December 3.

On December 4 one band will be selected on the basis of points.

Don't miss a thing!

Get notified when voting opens

The submission deadline is August 16. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to learn when voting starts to return and vote for your favorites!