Toby Overdorf, State Representative Candidate, District 83


Q 1:  How do you view public investment in the Arts & Cultural sector as it contributes to the economic vitality of St. Lucie?

RESPONSE:  It is needed compliment to local society & demographics

Q 2: As an elected official, how would you work to make Arts & Culture a part of your economic development policies?

RESPONSE:  Encourage public/private partnerships.

 Q 3: How would you describe the significance of art education programs and how would you support the continuation and growth of similar educational contributions within St. Lucie?

RESPONSE: Yes I would support this essential part of our educational programs.

Q 4:  Do you support public investment for Arts & Cultural initiatives to further develop St. Lucie County as a cultural destination?


Q 5:  How have you supported Arts & Culture in St. Lucie County through your work in public office and/or as a private citizen?

RESPONSE: Our company supports Arts&Culture and my partner serves on the public arts board.


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